Thursday, June 3, 2010

Google Adsense Tutorial

Along with the many questions about google adsense, ranging from how to register, how to installing the code and so forth, so from now will come to give information about google adsense.

What is Google Adsense?
Google adsense is one program which is owned by Google in terms of advertising (advertising). Who is involved in this Google adsense? There are three elements involved, namely:
Google, the party receiving the ad.
Advertiser, is the party advertisers.
Publisher, is the party that displays ads.
I will talk about this time is that we as owners of the blog to become a publisher, or in other words those who display the ads from google. What we can be dariGoogle adsense publishers? we will get is a form of commission dollars from google.

How does the system work?
The system is not hard work, we only put the ad code provided by google in on our own blogs.
Type of product from Google adsense:
1. Adsense For Content, this product in the form of advertisements in the form of text or images. We as a publisher will earn commissions if any visitor of our blog is to click the ads, the more visitors to click the greater the commission that we get. To see the real example of adsense ads for content.

2. Adsense For Search, this product in the form of Search Engine from google, my friend can see an example at the top right of this blog. For this, we will get commissions if any visitor will find something on the web and using Search Engine and click the link to an existing site.

3. Adsense For Referral, for this product that we will not be paid when there is a visitor who clicks on these ads, but we will get the commission if there are people who use or join with the product, for example to download Fire Fox browser (it's over bannernya top right of this blog), we will get a commission when there is a visitor who download and use it on their computers. For Referral to join Google adsense, we will pay for $ 100 if the person is getting $ 100 to join the first of google.

How much money will we get from Google?
For the amount of money that will be we can not in limiting amount, but must return again to the factor of our blog visitors, more visitors, the more the likelihood that people will click on our ads. so the first step that must be traveled is the promotion and promote my friend's blog in the know and in order to visit a lot of people. Many publishers of Indonesia that have hundreds or thousands of dollars each month.

When will we be paid by Google?
We will be paid by Google when your income has reached at least $ 100 every month, and payment will be done after 30 days after we passed the income of a minimum of $ 100, so if september is my friend get at least $ 100 then the commission will be paid at the end october later.

In what form we are in pay?
As I mentioned above, we will be paid by money $ (dollar). But not in the form of cash but in the form of a check. If the buddy has been getting $ 100, then the check will be delivered to us. There are two ways for delivery through the postal service and use DHL (express delivery services). When my friend chose the postal service, my friend will not be wearing any costs by google but the check will get to us requires a long time that is about three weeks to a month. If the check is anxious to get up in our hands, man can choose which via DHL, using DHL checks will arrive in 2-3 days, but for which DHL is in wearing a fee of $ 24 and will be cut from our earnings.

Who can follow the Google Adsense?
Anyone can participate and what's interesting is the list Free, but there are conditions that must be fulfilled among the websites or blogs that join this program should be the main language Supported by Google ie English and other European languages, for the Indonesian language that is not included in the support. Then, what if you want to join Indonesian blog? could have on so many have tried and succeeded in receiving by google, but the ad can be displayed simply the product of adsense for search and for referral.Untuk adsense adsense for content ads will not appear even though the code we have already put their ads.

What was banned in google adsense?
If we follow the Google Adsense program there are some rules that should not be violating them are we not allowed to click your own ads or telling friends and others to click it (must be natural dhenk). google knows where when we are clicking on these ads? Google certainly is not stupid, he can trace the IP address and the factors that we do not think, so do not try to cheat as a result we will remove it by google (horrible).
The first article about google adsense, so ends my first. For the way waiting lists and others only in a subsequent article.

The second:
GoogleAdsense is: a continuation of the program GoogleAdword, while GoogleAdWords itself is a program on Google's advertising system where advertisers will pay a few dollars (cents) to Google based on the number of "clicks". Google then expanded it with Google GoogleAdsense which invites the website owners to display ads from GoogleAdword participate on the website participants in exchange for results. So when advertisers pay a few dollars GoogleAdWords (cents) to Google for each click it, then some of the dollar (cents) will be given to owners of websites that participate in this program.
1. You must already have a website / Webblog should speak English, the URL of the website will be listed at the time of first registration, in future you can use up to 200 websites in one account. If you do not have their own website, please make it first.
2. Hosting of the website may use free hosting, free hosting examples are: (100MB) (100MB) (25MB) etc., or please click here! to create a web blog / web site itself.
3. If you have an own domain and hosting (not free) will be more easier to manage bailk due to be submitted to search engines etc..
4. At the time of filling out the form, please do not enter false information
5. Try the same name and address with the ID card. because this will relate to the time of disbursement checks will be sent by Google later.

If your earnings have reached over $ 100, then the GA will make a check to be sent to your address when signing up

Like a plant, if diligently maintained, watered, fertilized, etc., it will generate a lot of fruit, then the GA is also granted. From the information we gather, many Indonesian people who earn hundreds or even thousands of dollars per month. For those of you who are still actively working, this is an investment for retirement. As for you who are still in college, this is an investment to pay for college continued.

Content: Examples of vertical content on this page to the left, if there are visitors clicking Google AdSense ads on the left, then you as the owner of the website will get a few cents from Google, the number of cents depending on how many clicks and quality of ads. Please try clicking on the google ads on the left in order to better understand.

Search: Sample search on this page at the top, you would've known. Try: 1. type: bali hotels 2. click 3. click search. The search results will appear immediately, in the middle of the search results are search results, the top and bottom are google ads, try to click, this will produce a few cents. This search facility is indeed very useful for a company where you work, so there is no harm if you put it on the web company.

1. Refferal to menggundang GoogleAdsense visitors to become members, if there are visitors clicking on the banner button and immediately signed up, then you as the owner of the website will earn $ 100 .- to note that visitors must also have obtained .- earning $ 100 within 90 days . So you and dowline should actively increase earnings.
2. Refferal to menggundang visitors to download Firefox for free, if there are visitors who download, you will earn $ 1 .- direct.


How much capital must be spent to join AdSense?
Free. No need to pay for it with AdSense.

How much money can earn from AdSense publishers?
Unlimited. Publishers can get a little or a lot of money depending on the work done.

How do publishers make money from AdSense?
By placing AdSense ads for content and Adsense for search.

Is it from every click made by visitors from Adsense for Content and Adsense for search, the publisher will get the money?
No. Click to make money is only valid for each click made on the Adsense for content with text or image format.
For the Adsense for search, publishers will make money only when there is visitors who conduct searches through Google search and clicks that are in categories Ads by Google.

I usually use Google as a search engine. Can I use the Google search box on the web or my blog?
Better not to use AdSense for search box on your site. Besides increasing the risk of accidental clicks on your own ads, searching through AdSense for search will produce a report that does not reflect the traffic to your pages correctly. So, should continue to use to search or use the Google Toolbar.

Can publishers choose which ads will be aired on a blog or website?
Can not. Google AdSense will serve ads based on keywords. However, the publisher can filter the ads that will appear by way of setting up a channel (channel). For an explanation about the channel I will discuss in a subsequent article.

Is AdSense could affect traffic or ranking of a website or blog in Google search engine?
No. AdSense will not work, because traffic and ranking in Google search engine is affected by the number of links with another website or blog, content, number of visitors, and some other optimization factors. Read my article tips / tricks to improve Google rankings.

What is the risk of installing AdSense?
Due to join AdSense is a free, virtually no risk.

Would AdSense also included in the category of affiliate business?
Yes, because the program pay-per-click like AdSense is part of the affiliate program.

What are the advantages compared with the AdSense program pay-per-click another?
Clearly, Google is a search engine which is currently the most widely used. This means that the more advertiser promotion through Google, so the probability of obtaining money that can be obtained from AdSense will also be bigger.
Another advantage is owned by AdSense:
1. Ads will appear according to the desired keyword or customize with content publishers.
2. Publisher can filter out unwanted ads.
3. Publishers can place AdSense ads on a blog or other website without having to re-register or notify Google.

How can a simple procedure AdSense?
mendaftar AdSense -> Menempatkan iklan AdSense -> mendapatkan uang." onmouseover="'#ebeff9'" onmouseout="'#fff'">Create your blog or website -> register AdSense -> AdSense ads Place -> get the money.

Is this the Google AdSense program can really be trusted? That is, if true they will pay the money that was obtained by a publisher?
Yes. Publisher will also automatically receive a check from Google if they fulfill the minimum amount that can be paid (currently $ 100). With big name of Google, they likely will not be risking the reputation that has been strapped by not paying property publisher.

How long can have an AdSense account?
Until now, there is no time limit.

Could they have an AdSense account is lost or terminated?
Can, at his own request or automatically suspended by Google because the violation (of a violation, I'll explain in a later article).


Here are 10 Tips & Tricks Google Adsense for beginners:
1. Create an unheard-Apply Google Adsense (GA) or rejected often apply in adsense, might start by making English-language blog at - Update at least 1-2 months if the new OK dah apply GA.
This step is the possibility of successful 90% to record your site is not illegal site (hackers, porn, download crack) and the like, and the site should also be frequently updated regularly. Blogs are free and fast solution, rather than buy netter domain or spend money on hosting. After his lively blog, buy solution domain can be done, and bloggers to provide facilities for it.

2. Netter site should speak English if Indonesia or the mixture will usually be rarely out of his text-ads-Google, who came out 99% service ads (can diakalin but violate the TOS - Terms of servises) unless the site has an annual netter (more than 1-2 years) new ad out if a mixture of Indo language can sometimes be Eurasian and English and can also sometimes get out "advertising services".

3. Never you mencurangin Google because sooner or later, netter definitely caught. Read the TOS before because every 3-6 months so there must be a new provision that every day I see more and more complicated ... 90% of GA would have never done well in deliberate cheating or not, the most common cheating will be banned, if that is rarely the most diperingatin first.

4. For those who want to increase site traffic for free can wear different ways:
a. List of all sites, especially search engines Google, Yahoo and MSN (do every second Sunday)
b. Tukeran links / banners with other sites
c. Send e-mail to acquaintances who know only (not spam) or attach a signature in your e-mail
d. Use netter site signature when posting in forums
e. Mailing list can sometimes be helpful (do not spam too)
f. Update site and make interesting and informative as possible, so as to attract incoming
g. Do it any way lest SPAM & not mimic GA

5. Alternatively netter must pay with installing the banner on another site, which you think fit with what you promote or connect with Google AdWords. Never pay traffic sites that promise thousands of visitors because it is only temporary and was banned by the GA.

6. Do not spam in any netter doing promotion for the site because of spammers hated among the virtual world, and that spam is usually a bad reputation even though the site will increase traffic for a while but for the long term effect is not good, and the site will netter in the "blacklist". Do not be annoying because a lot netter Indo been branded with a bad reputation on the internet as a pleasure-netter cracker, pirate copyright, deceiving the nation itself and the last began a hobby nge-SPAM.

7. Netter can affiliate with clickbank, amazon or other who supplement income for your site. Proper ad placement position, the display site and news is updated frequently can also make its own benefits for netter

8. Netter site should have the suffix. Com or. Net (not a free domain name like. Cc, or a, etc.), although at first blogger (blogspot) from Google enough to help. This is because in the web world is very much a rival and instead use a site that ends with. Com or. Net rarely enter top ten ranking unless netter finding of unique words for it, or netter very informative site with useful features news for many people. Even if it took so long to be in the position advertised on their site unless netter.

9. Netter should have a hobby to write an article, because if not netter site only contains information taken from the sites of others, and rating site will be slowly rising. Netter if other people take away from the site and keep on editing and on-perbagus, please cantumin source, because this is a code of ethics of journalists. Our article on the internet are also often hijacked another netter without mencamtumkan source of nowhere.
Learn to share and respect fellow netters, if netter including people who like to hijack, well please reduced and eliminated a long time ...

10. The last thing most important is "never surrender", because everybody and I also started from scratch. Everything there is always a beginning. Learn, learn, and learning is the key if you want success in this field, and I also still do to this day.


IP Version

Two versions of the Internet Protocol (IP) are in use: IP Version 4 and IP Version 6. (See IP version history for details.) Each version defines an IP address differently. Because of its prevalence, the generic term IP address typically still refers to the addresses defined by IPv4.

An illustration of an IP address (version 4), in both dot-decimal notation and binary.

IP version 4 addresses

IPv4 uses 32-bit (4-byte) addresses, which limits the address space to 4,294,967,296 (232) possible unique addresses. IPv4 reserves some addresses for special purposes such as private networks (~18 million addresses) or multicast addresses (~270 million addresses).

IPv4 addresses are usually represented in dot-decimal notation (four numbers, each ranging from 0 to 255, separated by dots, e.g. Each part represents 8 bits of the address, and is therefore called an octet. In less common cases of technical writing, IPv4 addresses may be presented in hexadecimal, octal, or binary representations. In most representations each octet is converted individually.

IPv4 subnetting

In the early stages of development of the Internet Protocol,[1] network administrators interpreted an IP address in two parts, network number portion and host number portion. The highest order octet (most significant eight bits) in an address was designated the network number and the rest of the bits were called the rest field or host identifier and were used for host numbering within a network. This method soon proved inadequate as additional networks developed that were independent from the existing networks already designated by a network number. In 1981, the Internet addressing specification was revised with the introduction of classful network architecture.[2]

Classful network design allowed for a larger number of individual network assignments. The first three bits of the most significant octet of an IP address was defined as the class of the address. Three classes (A, B, and C) were defined for universal unicast addressing. Depending on the class derived, the network identification was based on octet boundary segments of the entire address. Each class used successively additional octets in the network identifier, thus reducing the possible number of hosts in the higher order classes (B and C). The following table gives an overview of this now obsolete system.

Historical classful network architecture
Class First octet in binary Range of first octet Network ID Host ID Number of networks Number of addresses
A 0XXXXXXX 0 - 127 a b.c.d 27 = 128 224-2 = 16,777,214
B 10XXXXXX 128 - 191 a.b c.d 214 = 16,384 216-2 = 65,534
C 110XXXXX 192 - 223 a.b.c d 221 = 2,097,152 28-2 = 254

The articles 'subnetwork' and 'classful network' explain the details of this design.

Although classful network design was a successful developmental stage, it proved unscalable in the rapid expansion of the Internet and was abandoned when Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) was created for the allocation of IP address blocks and new rules of routing protocol packets using IPv4 addresses. CIDR is based on variable-length subnet masking (VLSM) to allow allocation and routing on arbitrary-length prefixes.

Today, remnants of classful network concepts function only in a limited scope as the default configuration parameters of some network software and hardware components (e.g. netmask), and in the technical jargon used in network administrators' discussions.

IPv4 private addresses

Early network design, when global end-to-end connectivity was envisioned for communications with all Internet hosts, intended that IP addresses be uniquely assigned to a particular computer or device. However, it was found that this was not always necessary as private networks developed and public address space needed to be conserved (IPv4 address exhaustion).

Computers not connected to the Internet, such as factory machines that communicate only with each other via TCP/IP, need not have globally-unique IP addresses. Three ranges of IPv4 addresses for private networks, one range for each class (A, B, C), were reserved in RFC 1918. These addresses are not routed on the Internet and thus their use need not be coordinated with an IP address registry.

Today, when needed, such private networks typically connect to the Internet through network address translation (NAT).

IANA-reserved private IPv4 network ranges

Start End No. of addresses
24-bit Block (/8 prefix, 1 x A) 16,777,216
20-bit Block (/12 prefix, 16 x B) 1,048,576
16-bit Block (/16 prefix, 256 x C) 65,536

Any user may use any of the reserved blocks. Typically, a network administrator will divide a block into subnets; for example, many home routers automatically use a default address range of - (

IPv4 address depletion

The IP version 4 address space is rapidly nearing exhaustion of available, officially assignable address blocks.

[edit] IP version 6 addresses

An illustration of an IP address (version 6), in hexadecimal and binary.

The rapid exhaustion of IPv4 address space, despite conservation techniques, prompted the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) to explore new technologies to expand the Internet's addressing capability. The permanent solution was deemed to be a redesign of the Internet Protocol itself. This next generation of the Internet Protocol, aimed to replace IPv4 on the Internet, was eventually named Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) in 1995[3][4] The address size was increased from 32 to 128 bits or 16 octets, which, even with a generous assignment of network blocks, is deemed sufficient for the foreseeable future. Mathematically, the new address space provides the potential for a maximum of 2128, or about 3.403 × 1038 unique addresses.

The new design is not based on the goal to provide a sufficient quantity of addresses alone, but rather to allow efficient aggregation of subnet routing prefixes to occur at routing nodes. As a result, routing table sizes are smaller, and the smallest possible individual allocation is a subnet for 264 hosts, which is the square of the size of the entire IPv4 Internet. At these levels, actual address utilization rates will be small on any IPv6 network segment. The new design also provides the opportunity to separate the addressing infrastructure of a network segment—that is the local administration of the segment's available space—from the addressing prefix used to route external traffic for a network. IPv6 has facilities that automatically change the routing prefix of entire networks should the global connectivity or the routing policy change without requiring internal redesign or renumbering.

The large number of IPv6 addresses allows large blocks to be assigned for specific purposes and, where appropriate, to be aggregated for efficient routing. With a large address space, there is not the need to have complex address conservation methods as used in classless inter-domain routing (CIDR).

All modern desktop and enterprise server operating systems include native support for the IPv6 protocol, but it is not yet widely deployed in other devices, such as home networking routers, voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and multimedia equipment, and network peripherals.

Example of an IPv6 address:


IPv6 private addresses

Just as IPv4 reserves addresses for private or internal networks, there are blocks of addresses set aside in IPv6 for private addresses. In IPv6, these are referred to as unique local addresses (ULA). RFC 4193 sets aside the routing prefix fc00::/7 for this block which is divided into two /8 blocks with different implied policies (cf. IPv6) The addresses include a 40-bit pseudorandom number that minimizes the risk of address collisions if sites merge or packets are misrouted.

Early designs (RFC 3513) used a different block for this purpose (fec0::), dubbed site-local addresses. However, the definition of what constituted sites remained unclear and the poorly defined addressing policy created ambiguities for routing. The address range specification was abandoned and must no longer be used in new systems.

Addresses starting with fe80: — called link-local addresses — are assigned only in the local link area. The addresses are generated usually automatically by the operating system's IP layer for each network interface. This provides instant automatic network connectivity for any IPv6 host and means that if several hosts connect to a common hub or switch, they have an instant communication path via their link-local IPv6 address. This feature is used extensively, and invisibly to most users, in the lower layers of IPv6 network administration (cf. Neighbor Discovery Protocol).

None of the private address prefixes may be routed in the public Internet.

IP subnetworks

The technique of subnetting can operate in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. The IP address is divided into two parts: the network address and the host identifier. The subnet mask (in IPv4 only) or the CIDR prefix determines how the IP address is divided into network and host parts.

The term subnet mask is only used within IPv4. Both IP versions however use the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) concept and notation. In this, the IP address is followed by a slash and the number (in decimal) of bits used for the network part, also called the routing prefix. For example, an IPv4 address and its subnet mask may be and, respectively. The CIDR notation for the same IP address and subnet is, because the first 24 bits of the IP address indicate the network and subnet.

Static vs dynamic IP addresses

When a computer is configured to use the same IP address each time it powers up, this is known as a static IP address. In contrast, in situations when the computer's IP address is assigned automatically, it is known as a dynamic IP address.

Method of assignment

Static IP addresses are manually assigned to a computer by an administrator. The exact procedure varies according to platform. This contrasts with dynamic IP addresses, which are assigned either by the computer interface or host software itself, as in Zeroconf, or assigned by a server using Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP). Even though IP addresses assigned using DHCP may stay the same for long periods of time, they can generally change. In some cases, a network administrator may implement dynamically assigned static IP addresses. In this case, a DHCP server is used, but it is specifically configured to always assign the same IP address to a particular computer. This allows static IP addresses to be configured centrally, without having to specifically configure each computer on the network in a manual procedure.

In the absence or failure of static or stateful (DHCP) address configurations, an operating system may assign an IP address to a network interface using state-less autoconfiguration methods, such as Zeroconf.

Uses of dynamic addressing

Dynamic IP addresses are most frequently assigned on LANs and broadband networks by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers. They are used because it avoids the administrative burden of assigning specific static addresses to each device on a network. It also allows many devices to share limited address space on a network if only some of them will be online at a particular time. In most current desktop operating systems, dynamic IP configuration is enabled by default so that a user does not need to manually enter any settings to connect to a network with a DHCP server. DHCP is not the only technology used to assign dynamic IP addresses. Dialup and some broadband networks use dynamic address features of the Point-to-Point Protocol.

Sticky dynamic IP address

A sticky dynamic IP address or sticky IP is an informal term used by cable and DSL Internet access subscribers to describe a dynamically assigned IP address that does not change often. The addresses are usually assigned with the DHCP protocol. Since the modems are usually powered-on for extended periods of time, the address leases are usually set to long periods and simply renewed upon expiration. If a modem is turned off and powered up again before the next expiration of the address lease, it will most likely receive the same IP address.

Address autoconfiguration

RFC 3330 defines an address block,, for the special use in link-local addressing for IPv4 networks. In IPv6, every interface, whether using static or dynamic address assignments, also receives a local-link address automatically in the fe80::/10 subnet.

These addresses are only valid on the link, such as a local network segment or point-to-point connection, that a host is connected to. These addresses are not routable and like private addresses cannot be the source or destination of packets traversing the Internet.

When the link-local IPv4 address block was reserved, no standards existed for mechanisms of address autoconfiguration. Filling the void, Microsoft created an implementation that called Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA). Due to Microsoft's market power, APIPA has been deployed on millions of machines and has, thus, become a de facto standard in the industry. Many years later, the IETF defined a formal standard for this functionality, RFC 3927, entitled Dynamic Configuration of IPv4 Link-Local Addresses.

Uses of static addressing

Some infrastructure situations have to use static addressing, such as when finding the Domain Name System host that will translate domain names to IP addresses. Static addresses are also convenient, but not absolutely necessary, to locate servers inside an enterprise. An address obtained from a DNS server comes with a time to live, or caching time, after which it should be looked up to confirm that it has not changed. Even static IP addresses do change as a result of network administration (RFC 2072)

Modifications to IP addressing

IP blocking and firewalls

Firewalls are common on today's Internet. For increased network security, they control access to private networks based on the public IP of the client. Whether using a blacklist or a whitelist, the IP address that is blocked is the perceived public IP address of the client, meaning that if the client is using a proxy server or NAT, blocking one IP address might block many individual people.

IP address translation

Multiple client devices can appear to share IP addresses: either because they are part of a shared hosting web server environment or because an IPv4 network address translator (NAT) or proxy server acts as an intermediary agent on behalf of its customers, in which case the real originating IP addresses might be hidden from the server receiving a request. A common practice is to have a NAT hide a large number of IP addresses in a private network. Only the "outside" interface(s) of the NAT need to have Internet-routable addresses[5].

Most commonly, the NAT device maps TCP or UDP port numbers on the outside to individual private addresses on the inside. Just as a telephone number may have site-specific extensions, the port numbers are site-specific extensions to an IP address.

In small home networks, NAT functions usually take place in a residential gateway device, typically one marketed as a "router". In this scenario, the computers connected to the router would have 'private' IP addresses and the router would have a 'public' address to communicate with the Internet. This type of router allows several computers to share one public IP address.

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IP Address

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a numerical label that is assigned to devices participating in a computer network, that uses the Internet Protocol for communication between its nodes.[1] An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing. Its role has been characterized as follows: "A name indicates what we seek. An address indicates where it is. A route indicates how to get there."[2]

The designers of TCP/IP defined an IP address as a 32-bit number[1] and this system, known as Internet Protocol Version 4 or IPv4, is still in use today. However, due to the enormous growth of the Internet and the predicted depletion of available addresses, a new addressing system (IPv6), using 128 bits for the address, was developed in 1995[3] and standardized by RFC 2460 in 1998.[4] Although IP addresses are stored as binary numbers, they are usually displayed in human-readable notations, such as (for IPv4), and 2001:db8:0:1234:0:567:1:1 (for IPv6).

The Internet Protocol is used to route data packets between networks; IP addresses specify the locations of the source and destination nodes in the topology of the routing system. For this purpose, some of the bits in an IP address are used to designate a subnetwork. The number of these bits is indicated in CIDR notation, appended to the IP address; e.g.,

As the development of private networks raised the threat of IPv4 address exhaustion, RFC 1918 set aside a group of private address spaces that may be used by anyone on private networks. They are often used with network address translators to connect to the global public Internet.

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA), which manages the IP address space allocations globally, cooperates with five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) to allocate IP address blocks to Local Internet Registries (Internet service providers) and other entities.

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Computer Definition

Technically, a computer is a programmable machine. This means it can execute a programmed list of instructions and respond to new instructions that it is given. Today, however, the term is most often used to refer to the desktop and laptop computers that most people use. When referring to a desktop model, the term "computer" technically only refers to the computer itself -- not the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Still, it is acceptable to refer to everything together as the computer. If you want to be really technical, the box that holds the computer is called the "system unit."

Some of the major parts of a personal computer (or PC) include the motherboard, CPU, memory (or RAM), hard drive, and video card. While personal computers are by far the most common type of computers today, there are several other types of computers. For example, a "minicomputer" is a powerful computer that can support many users at once. A "mainframe" is a large, high-powered computer that can perform billions of calculations from multiple sources at one time. Finally, a "supercomputer" is a machine that can process billions of instructions a second and is used to calculate extremely complex calculations.

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